Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL 8372071 en vente sur Truck1, ID: 8372071
Maroc - Français | EUR
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Prix HT

  • ≈ 6 150 MAD
  • ≈ 616 USD

Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL

Pneu neuf pour Machine agricoleTianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL


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Pneu neuf pour Machine agricole Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL

Publié: 2mois 2jour(s)

Pneu pour Tracteur agricole neuf Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL: photos 1
Pneu pour Tracteur agricole neuf Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL: photos 2
Pneu pour Tracteur agricole neuf Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL: photos 3
Pneu pour Tracteur agricole neuf Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL: photos 4
Pneu pour Tracteur agricole neuf Tianli 480/70R30 AG-RADIAL 70 R-1W 141A8/B TL: photos 5
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Publié: 2mois 2jour(s)



Prix HT

  • ≈ 6 150 MAD
  • ≈ 616 USD




Pologne, Słupsk

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pneumatic radial, 480/70 R 30
Plus d'information

We would like to present to you a high-quality tire from Asia's largest and most modern manufacturer Tianli:


The Tianli brand is present in all major markets in the world. Its products incorporate the latest technological advances in tire design, material science and design.

Models of the AGR family are characterized by very high quality workmanship and no saving of material in tire production.

The own weight of each tire exceeds that of tires made in India or Europe. In a word, the amount of rubber, steel and reinforcements in the casing must match.

The tire has reinforced sides and shoulders to help offset fatigue cracks that can appear on tires that have weaker sidewalls.

Tianli products are ideal for those looking for products with excellent quality at a fair price.

The casing used ensures tire stability at higher speeds, comfort when moving and working in the field, and extends tire life.

The thickened and solid tread used also contributes to the tire's durability, many hours of work, efficient power transfer to the ground and affects comfortable driving on paved surfaces.

The ribs used between the tread ribs affect self-cleaning and add character to the tire.

The tire has high flotation properties, which affect low soil compaction.

Durable and flexible sidewalls ensure maximum comfort.

Despite the use of a modern radial design in tires, an inner tube can be used interchangeably.

Tianli brand products come with an absolute 5-year warranty, which is enforced immediately upon application.

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Prix HT

  • ≈ 6 150 MAD
  • ≈ 616 USD

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